The guiding framework of restorative leadership has been discerned through a grounded theory process analyzing data from structured interviews, field observations, and primary and secondary source materials from over 45 individuals, organizations, and communities. This chapter illustrates findings on restorative leadership demonstrated by a subset of cases reflecting underrepresented voices across a range of geographic and sector engagement. The historical crossroads for humanity to choose between peril and sustainability calls forth the emergence of restorative leadership. Restorative leadership emerges at the intersection of an ancient paradigm of wholeness with modern scientific and technological knowledge. Restorative leadership as practiced by Tostan reveals the potential to chart a sustainable future when diverse actors are empowered to exercise their innate leadership potential and restore balance. The extraordinary examples of Greensburg, Tostan, Amazon Watch, Janine Benyus, Sylvia Earle, and the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network illustrate the power of restorative leadership to chart a sustainable future where all life can thrive.