Photosynthesis refers to any natural or artificial process of forming material that involves the use of light. The rate of photosynthesis depends, of course, on how much carbon dioxide is present in the atmosphere. Interpretation of hypothetical records also depends on the physiology of plant photosynthesis for ancient plant life, and to what extent modern maize represents ancient maize behavior. During daylight, plant leaf stomata close and sunlight enables the subsequent decarboxylation and thereby photosynthesis. As photosynthesis waxes and wanes with sunlight hours and seasons in a forest, the carbon dioxide concentration can fluctuate as well. Light, temperature, and carbon dioxide levels all influence photosynthesis. During daylight, plant leaf stomata close and sunlight enables the subsequent decarboxylation and thereby photosynthesis. As far as increasing carbon dioxide concentrations go, the rate of photosynthetic production via consumption of carbon dioxide grows with increasing levels.