The advancement of human existence in all spheres of life is directly connected to agriculture and food safety. The success of Green Revolution was due to the use of novel cultivars, which significantly enhanced food safety universally. On the other hand, the development of novel plants varieties depends greatly on synthetic chemicals in the form of fertilizers and pesticides with grave ecological repercussion and harmful impacts on humans. Ecofriendly plant growth promoting techniques such as the application of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) as bioinoculants that contain live microbes which cooperate with crop plants and affect yield through increasing plant growth and development, managing disease, and supplying vital nutrients to substitute our present dependence on synthetic chemicals and to build up additional viable farming procedures to counterbalance the loss created due these approaches are highly recommended. Though there are large varieties of PGPR, their functions and acceptance meant for sustainable agriculture stay questionable and limited. There is also unpredictability in the effectiveness of PGPR, which might be because of different ecological reasons that could influence their development and propagation in the plants. These constraints can be dealt with the application of PGPR in biofilm mode. The PGPR biofilms are similar toordinary biofilms. The main function of rhizobacterial biofilms is for defense from unpredictable and undesirable ecological situations together with averting pathogen attack and inhabiting plant roots. Therefore, PGPR biofilms act significantly in sustainable agriculture. This chapter discusses PGPR and their biofilms as the foundation of sustainable agriculture in current situations.