This chapter will focus on postcolonial theologies as a type of liberation theology and also as a development of liberation theology. As a theology that has developed more recently than many of the liberation and justice-seeking theologies that have either been examined in depth or noted in passing so far in this study, postcolonial theologies incorporate some of the criticisms and failures of many liberation theologies to date and as such offer us a glimpse of contemporary contextual liberation theologies. As is claimed by most liberation theologies, but in particular by this group of theologies, postcolonial theologies are invigorated with contextual diversity and are constantly evolving and fluid. Before looking specifically at postcolonial theologies we need first to examine postcolonialism. Postcolonialism is a term that is used variously by different people nevertheless some sort of characterizing working definition needs to be given to it here in order to be able to understand postcolonial theologies.