Prognosis of neurogenic bladders is considered at two different levels: the functional and the vital. The degree of continence is also an important parameter of functional prognosis. Their sexuality and fertility concerns are important to consider in their functional prognosis. A more insidious etiology for renal impairment in neurogenic bladder dysfunction is the presence of chronically high detrusor pressures due to poorly controlled bladder compliance or high voiding pressures. Urinary tract infections are common and frequent in neurogenic bladders. It is sometimes difficult to control these infections because of their high recurrence/persistence rate and/or the high resistance profile of the germs. The prognosis of neurogenic bladder is intimately related to the prognosis of the neurologic condition. However, in some neurologic conditions, bladder management is at the forefront of care as it strongly impacts the patient's quality of life and life expectancy. It is only at the point of thoroughness that the patient's prognosis is optimized.