Pseudomutuality is a faked or a false complementarity, where the actor may deny or conceal evidence of non-mutuality in order to maintain a sense of reciprocal fulfilment. Pseudomutuality is a characteristically ‘modern’ form of the exercise of domestic power. Modern couples subscribe to some version of romantic love which in principle must involve an intimate relation between equals. Pseudomutuality is a possible way of explaining how the hurt and exasperation is shuffled off the family stage in various ways. The pseudomutuality that surrounds the domestic division of labour is perhaps the clearest example of the theme of this book, because in it is captured all the tensions associated with the double life of the family. The couples (like many commentators) speak as though they were children of the revolution in intimate life. All the various justifications for the unequal and currently disadvantageous responsibilities are frequently barely credible to a third party.