Historical records suggest that regular agricultural practices and crop production took roots in the Asia-Minor region, more popularly known as ‘Fertile Crescent’. Agricultural crop production, it seems, was independently invented, devised and modified in several other regions on earth, either simultaneously or at different times during past 10,000 years. Within the realm of agricultural crop production, human ingenuity has been directed consistently to remove drudgery, labor requirements, improve crop productivity and economize on energy and capital needs. The improvements in agricultural operations have not been uniform all through the past 10–12 millennia. ‘Push Button’ is defined as a simple switch mechanism that controls some aspect or total functioning of a machine. Push Buttons are typically hard material, like plastic. They are spring loaded and work at the touch or pressing of a human finger. Push buttons are used to initiate or start a variety of gadgets/contraptions and their functions in daily life.