The Chinese diaspora has drawn attention from both academics and government decision-makers since the Open Door Policy began. The four research organizations specializing in overseas Chinese studies in China in 1998 were: the Institute of Overseas Chinese Studies at Jinan University (Guangzhou), the Institute of Overseas Chinese at the Overseas Chinese University (Quanzhou), the Institute of Overseas Chinese History at the National Office of the Overseas Chinese Association (Beijing), and the Institute of Overseas Chinese Studies at Fujian Academy of Social Sciences (Fuzhou). There are also six major research institutions devoted to Southeast Asian or related studies, which include, the Institute of Southeast

Asian Studies at the Jinan University, the Research School of Southeast Asian Studies at Xiamen University, the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies at Beijing University, the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies at Zhongshan University (Guangzhou), the Institute of Indo-China Studies at Guangxi Academy of Social Sciences (Nanning), and the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies at the Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences. These carry out work related to Chinese diaspora studies in various ways, but each has its own unique orientation. It should be observed that the subject has been closely linked to, and therefore was influenced by changing government policies and priorities.