Motion technique is the way a movement task is executed and strongly affects the sport result denoted as performance. Technique is analysed in order to understand the way in which sports skills are performed, thereby providing the basis for improving performance. Lees (2008) classified sport skills as event skills, major skills and minor skills.

Event skills represent sporting events themselves. Examples are the long jump in athletics, the ski jump, the springboard dive and the vault in gymnastics. Major skills are most relevant for a sport and are performed repeatedly. Golf swings, rowing strokes, shots in biathlon races and badminton strokes are typical examples. Minor skills are also performed repeatedly, but have less relevance for success. Examples are different kicks in soccer, two-handed backhand shots in tennis, throws in handball and throwing techniques in martial arts.

This chapter deals with the qualitative biomechanical analysis of technique, which is most frequently applied in teaching or coaching in order to provide the learners with detailed and appropriate feedback to improve performance.