This chapter is an attempt to move beyond popular narratives that position non-monogamy as nothing more than a personal sexual preference. Instead I want to place non-monogamy into a broader queer political agenda; and aim to see the rejection of monogamy as a political act. I have chosen to focus specifi cally upon polyamory and potential future moves towards political mobilization. Currently polyamory is a sexual story about interpersonal relations, but what happens when we begin to scale our sexual stories ‘upwards’ to ‘wider’ societal concerns? Although polyamory may be a burgeoning ‘sexual story’ (see Ritchie, Chapter 5, this volume), current ways of talking about sex and love are too narrow and individualized. This limits the potential impacts of non-monogamy as a critique of broader structural relations. Putting the politics back in to polyamory opens up the possibility for different stories to be told and alternative affi nities to be made.