This chapter aims to provide a brief overview of the most common analytical approaches used in quantitative research by taking the perspective of a researcher and following the process of data analysis ‘in practice’ to address different research questions and test the corresponding hypotheses. In particular, the analytical approaches to (a) describe a phenomenon; (b) test for group differences; (c) investigate relationship; and (d) predict outcomes are presented. Hence, the following topics are included: (a) measurement levels and corresponding indices of central tendency; (b) t -test, ANOVA and post hoc tests; (c) correlation indices; and (d) multiple regression analysis. Throughout the chapter, the need is emphasised for setting clear research questions guiding the formulation of specific hypotheses and the identification of the appropriate research design is emphasised. Statistical analysis should indeed be always considered not as an end in itself but as a mean to address research problems, and the selection of the most suitable analytical approach should follow and match the specific research questions.