Since the first photograph of the Shroud taken by Secondo Pia in 1898, the photographs of the Relic are precious and interesting sources for conducting research. Even though the Vatican has not allowed scholars to take new physical samples of the Shroud since 1988, several scientists around the world continue to carry out research on the most important relic of Christianity, even basing their studies on the official samples taken in 1978. During the 2017 Shroud Conference held in USA the first author with the engineer Riccardo Campion presented a memory entitled “Critical Analysis about the Radiation Direction in the Formation of the Shroud of Turin Image”. The Shroud shows hundreds of bloodstains, many of which have a reddish color that is too red to be typical of common brownish ancient blood. Several hypotheses had been considered in order to explain the formation of the body image, which could be compared to the objective data observed on the Shroud.