Ralph told the most outrageous stories. He was so far out of reality, it forced me to be grounded. My favorite story is about the Christmas Eve that his wife was hit by a laundry truck while crossing the street (he was never married). He said she was dragged for three blocks before the driver realized she was there. She did not survive, of course, leaving Ralph with either six or seven children to support. He also was full of stories about his eighteen brothers and sisters. His adoptive parents

told us he had been an only child. He was especially proud of the fact that he was a businessman. He carried business cards with just his name in bold letters advertising himself as a "Security Man." The fact that there was neither a telephone nor address was fine since he was homeless most of his adult life. The first time he received a Social Security check, he decided to spend it on a weekend at the Holiday Inn, enjoying the Jacuzzi. On Monday he returned to Traveler's Aid.