People involved in neo-paganism and witchcraft deal with magical rituals. Some of these claim to be able to see the future by using of a pack of Tarot cards. The Romantic period of the 19th century in Europe saw the revival of witchcraft. More specifically, in late 19th-century Germany, the pan-Germanic movement had some strong connections with German paganism. Since these rituals from the traditional Wicca movement are available on the Internet, it is easy for someone to initiate himself or herself to this religion without finding a mentor. In contrast, commodified Witchcraft involves the exchange of commodities embedded in social relationships that are dissolved by the exchange, with no ongoing obligations. Neo-paganism must also be located in relation to modern occultism. Indeed, neo-paganism is sometimes referred to as the spiritual arm' or the spiritual side' of the ecology movement (Hume 1997). Some pagan environmentalists have also become politically involved in the green' movement.