The current study discusses the effect of job satisfaction on knowledge sharing intention and behavior. It also examines the role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as mediation in the relationship. This study was conducted in private universities in Bandung and Garut by choosing 133 lecturers as participants. The results showed that job satisfaction had a significant positive influence on knowledge sharing. It was also found that OCB had a mediating role in the relationship. It was identified from the Lower Level Confidence Interval (LLCI) and Upper Level Confidence Interval (ULCI) which had positive value and contained no zero. Research that examined the relationship of job satisfaction, OCB, and knowledge sharing is still limited so that this work can contribute in expanding such study in the future. Organizations need employees who have broader insight and knowledge to face future challenges. This can be achieved by implementing policies that encourage employees to share knowledge. In order for employees to share with colleagues, organizations need to improve their level of job satisfaction. Satisfied employees tend to have an intention to produce better results for the company. One of the contributions of satisfied employees is the increase of OCB spirit. This study confirms that the management of a business organization needs to build both elements so that the application of knowledge sharing can be successful.