Anonymous, extracts from Sawney and Colley, A Poetical Dialogue: Occasioned by A Late Letter from The Laureat of St. James's, To the Homer of Twickenham … (1742). Published after 31 August 1742. As the title suggests, this pamphlet was occasioned by Cibber's Letter (No. 91). The poem describes Pope's reactions on seeing Cibber's description of his supposed adventures on the Mount of Love, and then makes Pope pay a visit to the Laureate. Sawney and Colley attacks both men, and gives a comprehensive statement of the usual charges against Pope. It also adds a new feature, mockery of Pope's relations with his mother. The poem is reprinted, along with two further attacks on Pope, by W. Powell Jones, Augustan Reprint Society, no. 83 (Los Angeles, 1960).