Every physical science existed within our temporal subspace must be temporal (i.e., t > 0); otherwise it is a virtual (or fictitious) science as mathematics does. The burden of a scientific postulation is to prove that it exists within our universe and then find the solution. In this chapter we will show that there exists a duality between science and mathematics in which any scientific postulation has to be shown that it satisfied all the boundary conditions within our temporal universe, before accepting it as a real physical science. Otherwise their virtual solution does not guarantee it is a physical science. One of the important conditions must be the causality condition (i.e., t > 0) for which to confirm a solution is temporal and existed within our universe. Since the entire fundamental laws of science are mathematics, which includes the Maxwell equations, as well the Schrödinger equation [1,2], without the imposition of causality condition, we are not sure that the solution is a physically real science within our universe. Since we have shown Schrödinger quantum mechanics is timeless, we will show what would happen if his timeless superposition principle is plunging within a temporal space. In which we have found that timeless space is a virtual-abstract space that only existed in an absolute empty space with zero time (i.e., t = 0). And we have seen that only quantum physicists can implant a physical model into an empty subspace, as Schrödinger did. But empty space and temporal space are mutually excluded.