The United Nations Charter states that one of the purposes of the United Nations is to develop friendly relations based upon respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples. The interpenetrations, the global webs of economic, political, and ideological penetrations and interdeterminations, cause one to realize that a functional "self-determination" is a relative "self-determination". Within the United States, Indian and Jewish peoples might pursue their own social and cultural norms, mores, and so forth while also freely participating in another process of self-determination as citizens and participants in the political, economic, social, and cultural processes intermeshed under the label United States of America. Suzuki's published work addresses one type of self-determination process, territorial separation from an extant body politic. Addressing this particular form, he states: "'Self-determination' is a symbolic manifestation of a group's demand for repudiation of an extant public order system to create a new pattern of value effects which it perceives as desirable".