The intent of a program is to initiate a core set of actions in each workplace so that eventually ergonomics is fully a part of normal worklife. Program Elements<xref ref-type="fn" rid="fn117_1"> <sup>*</sup> </xref>

There are several basic elements of an ergonomics program that every employer should adopt in one form or another. This framework provides an approach for integrating ergonomics into day-to-day activities even among different sizes of employers and in different types of industries.

Organization — a plan for getting organized and involving people.

Training — an effort to provide training in ergonomics to people at all levels of the organization.

Communication — systems for communicating activities and progress.

Task Evaluations — a systematic way to review all work areas for needed improvements.

Making Improvements — the key part of the process; making improvements whenever feasible.

Medical Management — procedures to recognize and treat employees with symptoms of MSDs at as early a stage as possible.

Monitoring Progress — ways to measure and evaluate the program.