In searching of materials on individuals with subthreshold shadow syndromes, the author found three examples with informed consent and strong imagery; each touched upon religion as a loose theme. Why, it is difficult to speculate. Perhaps there is a continual search for these individuals to decipher life's magicality–where faith and religion are barely separate from the realm of the 'real'. While most people in the shadow syndromes are characterized by eccentricity and temperament, at times they may assume more obsessional proportions. By having obsessions become religious, the individual can tread the fine line between faith-based thinking and the demons that need to be kept at bay. They might resist becoming consumed or too literal in their beliefs, appropriately camouflaging their fervour, devotion or religiosity obsessions. One intelligent sixteen-year-old, E. C., displayed all the hallmarks of Asperger's syndrome. He presented with religious obsessions that somehow did not interfere with his functioning.