Head and neck injuries are among the few life-threatening emergencies in sports medicine. Injuries of the head and cervical spine can be serious because they may involve the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. Furthermore, the adjacent eyes, nose, throat, and ears may be injured, which can affect vision, breathing, speech, and hearing. Consequently, the team physician must be able to evaluate and initiate treatment for injuries to the head, neck, and sensory organs, which can result in death or permanent disability. The approach to management of head and neck injuries should be consistent: (1) identify the injury; (2) stabilize the athlete; and (3) transport the athlete for definitive treatment if necessary. Serious Head and Neck Injuries

Serious head and neck injuries can result in permanent disability.

Manage with a consistent approach: identify the injury, stabilize the athlete, and transport the athlete for definitive care if necessary.