The transnational organization Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN) was better equipped with information, due to its presence in transnational advocacy networks, which had already been part of the long process of elaborating on the meanings of the new technology. Trigo et al. highlights two immediate causes: the expansion of agricultural land at the expense of cattle farming and the increase in the productivity of yields. In 1991, the Argentinean state had already created a body to regulate agrobiotechnology, the National Commission of Agrarian Biotechnology (CONABIA). In the private sector, the Argentinean No-Till Farmers Association (AAPRESID) institutionalized a coalition formed of members from the various sectorial representative associations in Argentina and transnational corporations. The initial decision of Greenpeace of not taking up a campaign against the approval of GM soy in Argentina was the point for Group of Rural Reflexion (GRR) to act.