This chapter offers readers a way through the mire of complex choices when working in the transitional education space, and endeavours to distil the shared foundational philosophies held by a multidisciplinary team working in enabling education in Western Australia. Drawing on superhero metaphors, it outlines the benefits of explicit reflection on philosophies that inform pedagogy and practice. It proposes that pedagogies underpinned by philosophies of social justice and flourishing can emancipate enabling students from limiting self-beliefs, and build their academic skills and self-efficacy, which in turn can help them flourish in their transition to higher education. The chapter provides an example of how to enact such philosophies in practice by exploring the implementation of the ‘enabling transition’ pedagogy model and an innovative pedagogy we call the Engagement Zone. This three-pronged approach or ‘trident’ as seen in action in Murdoch University’s OnTrack and OnTrack Sprint enabling programs, sponsored engagement, belonging and learning.