For the Stoics, logic comprised dialectic and rhetoric as two principal divisions. The founder of Stoicism, Zeno, is reported to have studied with Megarian philosopher Stilpo. Zenos education in Megarian logic no doubt proved a vital influence in early development of Stoic logic. Stoic syllogisms are built out of assertibles rather than terms. It deals with propositions. The Stoics offered a number of types of argument. The Stoics account of language is closely bound up with their ontology, reflecting the interrelated nature of their system. The Stoic theory of language begins with the voice or utterance. A vocalization is a physical movement of air caused by mouth. For Stoics, sayables are one of four types of entity that they classify as incorporeals. The ontological status of sayables led the Stoics into a number of paradoxical positions that their critics were keen to exploit. The point of departure for Stoic epistemology is impression. An impression is literally imprinted on the soul.