The objective was to measure the strain distribution in an electrical resistance strain gauge. It was a unique experiment, performed to verify the strain averaging capabilities of a strain gauge called the shear gauge [1,2], illustrated in figure 5.1.1. The shear gauge is a specialized foil resistance strain gauge that is used on notched beam specimens such as the Iosipescu [3,4] and compact shear [5] specimens. The shear gauge was designed to measure the average shear strain across the test section (the centre line connecting the notches). The gauge is a ±45° strain gauge rosette which spans the entire test section of the specimen, over a finite width. It is available in two configurations, stacked and side-by-side. The shear gauges span the entire length of the test section, thus integrating shear strains and recording the average. Two shear gauge styles were tested: stacked and side-by-side. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780429142765/bd523e32-3998-41a2-8515-f7d9c197908c/content/fig5_1_1.tif"/>