Insofar as thinking about metaethics is thinking about ethics, it would be natural to want an explanation of the subject matter or ethics. semantics, an account of what the terms mean. The Open Question Argument is a well-known argument that starts with a certain kind of diversity of thought and that can end with doubts about a common ethical subject matter. This chapter explains the truth conditions of sentences containing each term by explaining that a simple indicative sentence. Minimal realism treats the terms as labels for real properties that can be had by certain sorts of objects. Minimal realism about morality is a fairly natural view. Minimal realism is a pretty natural view to accept for most simple moral or normative predicates. Metaethics also concerns the nature of the properties predicated by moral judgements. Widespread difference and disagreement over moral matters can upset the minimal realist picture if it makes it difficult to assign common properties to moral predicates.