This chapter aim is to show that reading is incorrect, and to bring into view the philosophical importance of the matter. Sartre characterizes the type of consciousness of which he says that it is consciousness of itself as ir-reflective. The thesis says that consciousness necessarily involves some form of self-awareness. There are two versions of self-awareness thesis. According to the weak version, all conscious entities are self-aware; according to the strong version, all conscious states are states of self-awareness. The weak version rules out the existence of creatures like Trump, but allows for the possibility of the other three types of creatures. The strong version, which Zahavi attributes to Sartre, in ruling out the existence of any conscious state that is not a state of self-awareness, also rules out the existence of creatures like Trump and Marie Antoinette. Finally, the chapter provides a positive interpretation of Sartre's claim to the effect that consciousness is consciousness of itself.