The aulophiform suborder Alepisauroidei is currently comprised of four oceanic meso-to bathypelagic families, the Alepisauridae, Evermannellidae, Paralepididae, and Scopelarchidae (Baldwin & Johnson 1996; Sato & Nakabo 2002), all synchronous hermaphrodites (Johnson 1984). Two other families, Omosudidae and Anotopteridae, were merged into the Alepisauridae and Paralepididae, respectively, by Baldwin & Johnson (1996) and Sato & Nakabo (2002). Early life stages have been described and illustrated for most alepisauroids, but eggs are unknown. Metamorphosis is usually gradual. Characteristics shared by most members of the Alepisauroidei include lack of a swim bladder, no fin spines, presence of an adipose fin, typically 19 principal caudal rays (17 branched), and abdominal pelvic fins. Larvae generally lack head and preopercular spines and have peritoneal spots or patches. I follow the classification Baldwin & Johnson (1996) and Sato & Nakabo (2002) here. Table Alepisauroidei 1 lists some of the synonyms for members of the suborder and Table Alepisauroidei 2 gives their distribution in the study area. Tables Alepisauroidei 3 & 4 provide meristic data for the species.