The suborder Ceratioidei are currently comprised of 11 families, 34 genera, and 137 species (Bertelsen 1984; Pietsch 1984, 2003b-l, pers. commun.). The primary work on this group (Bertelsen 1951) was done in great detail and still is a “current” resource in some respects. The division of family lines within Ceratioidei were based on previous revisions by Regan (1912a, 1926), Regan & Trewavas (1932), Bertelsen (1951), and Pietsch (1972), which was revised and discussed in Pietsch (1984), and Bertelsen (1984). The list of species is given in Table Ceratioidei 1. No significant revision of this group as a whole has been completed subsequent to 1984. The characters that were the basis of this separation is summarized in Table 89 of the Ahlstrom Symposium (Bertelsen 1984).