As other chapters in this book will attest, supervision theory, research, process/outcome variables, and assessment are all important factors to consider when conducting supervision. Strong supervisory relationships, like positive therapeutic relationships, will be grounded in theory, charted by models, driven by empiricism, and fueled by the factors of a supportive and challenging working alliance. However, in between the complexities of supervision philosophy, are the standard weekly supervision sessions where supervisors practice techniques. Supervision techniques play one of four parts in a larger scheme of supervision process skills (Ladany, Walker, Pate-Carolan, & Gray Evans, 2008). Supervisors may use (1) nonverbal behaviors (e.g., eye contact, proximity, head nodding); (2) response modes (e.g., what is actually said and how it is said); (3) covert processes (internal thoughts and feelings); and (4) theoretically based therapeutic strategies and techniques for change. ese strategies may include dialog, silence, role-plays, interpretation, praise, critique, disclosure, projection, comfort, empowerment, instruction, or emotional expression. Although there are countless paths of supervision process skills to choose in any given scenario, this chapter is meant to highlight a few suggested supervision techniques, including interpersonal process recall (IPR), the supervision genogram, processing issues of culture, helping a supervisee understand and manage countertransference, the reective process, supervisor self-disclosure, and using structured peer group format techniques in individual supervision. We will also take a look at the role of technology and posit techniques of the future. e following is a how-to look at what goes on in a supervision session.