Socially camouflaged technology describes how vibrators are effectively hidden in plain sight during their development and entered the market in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. New technologies had massive disruptive effects on the pornography industry, shifting its structures, membership, business models, geographies, types of content, and identity. Pornography has a complicated history with technology, the nuances that are rarely unpicked by mainstream media narratives. Controversies around pornography extend into its relationship with technology. With the development of key technologies such as video, DVDs, and hand-held cameras, pornography has become cheaper and easier to produce and distribute. Home video recording and videocassettes brought the viewing experience into the personal domestic space, the internet, personal computers, and mobile phones made it more private still. The potential of technology to serve many masters explores work in and around dual-use technologies, examines how they are developed and used by different bodies for different purposes.