This chapter explains about the stories of other dualists and their career choices. It offers actual narratives of individuals who have lived a life of duality and to understand their career decisions and paths, rather than to present a strictly scientific data analysis. The chapter provides an abbreviated snapshot of the dualist and interview, rather than a question-by-question replication of all of a participant’s responses, which would be prohibitively lengthy to include. However, many of the Career Dualists profiled have the calling and soul of Artistic Explorers. An Artistic Explorer works primarily as a music industry creative. Individuals who possessed analytical propensity + artistic drive (A/A/D) but who work outside the entertainment industry were likewise excluded from participation. Recall that all dualists have both A/A/D propensities. If a picture is worth a thousand words, the following profiles help paint the Career Duality dilemma battle and the spectrum of dualist life more vividly.