The Tunnel Art Work (T.A.W.) project, promoted by TELT – Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin –, and curated by art critic Luca Beatrice, brings together – the first case of its kind – three pieces of street art in the exploratory tunnel of Chiomonte, Susa Valley, Italy. Via the T.A.W. project, it has been possible, together with the Italian artists Simone Fugazzotto, Laurina Paperina and the French artist LUDO, to reach the depths of a mountain and create a new art space. Paperina has decorated the workers’ convoy, while the other two artists have created original street art works at 2,800 meters from the tunnel entrance. Despite some international experience of dialogue between art and tunneling, such as the emblematic case of the Naples underground, there has always been a cultural and physical separation between the two fields. The T.A.W. project, therefore, aims to change this situation, promoting a reflection on underground creativity.