This chapter focuses on the varying explanations for this trend with particular reference to two case studies, that of Sajida Mubarak Atrous al-Rishawi and Malika el Aroud. It presents a genealogical study of contemporary Muslim women who exist in the western consciousness. Referring in particularly to the work of Judith Butler and Michel Foucault we will argue that understandings of the female give rise to a very context specific reading of female jihadis. This point is central to our understanding of female jihadis; it demonstrates how methodology matters because it fundamentally shapes our approach and the answers which we arrive at. Katherine von Knop outlines that 'they function as operational facilitators, supporting the male relatives, and as ideological educators of their children and this should not be underrated'. But the easing of doctrinal strictures regarding the role of the female jihadi has enabled many women to take part in military activity.