The Board of Higher Education administered a battery of tests called the Open Admissions Tests during the spring of 1970 and again in the spring of 1971 to all New York City high school students. One interesting feature of these tests was an indication by the students themselves as to whether or not they believed they needed help in reading, writing, or mathematics. Tests were given in English structure and mechanics, reading comprehension, and second-language problems, along with an essay to be scored by the English faculty. Remedial courses and placement tests were to stay. Improvement of test administration was given a boost when a part-time test coordinator was hired. Retesting procedures are somewhat different for the two mathematics remedial courses. Students are given the opportunity of a retest for both at registration. Since 1974, the Developmental English Program has been routinely scheduling a second test for all students scheduled into reading remediation to give them a chance to test up or out.