This chapter presents an overview of the basic concepts and terms in spatial data modeling. The aim is to familiarize the reader with concepts used in this book. First, data models and in particular spatial data models are described (Section 5.1), followed by a description of the different phases in data modeling including their characteristics (Sections 5.2 to 5.4). UML (Unified Modeling Language) has become a standard to represent data models and is used to represent the data models in this book. Therefore, a short introduction UML is also included in this chapter (Section 5.5). DBMSs are essential systems in spatial data modeling and in the new-generation GIS architecture. Section 5.6 describes how the relationship between spatial data modeling in GISs on the one side and in DBMSs on the other side has evolved. Finally, when looking at spatial data models, the standardization initiatives on spatial data modeling are important; these are described in Section 5.7. The chapter ends with concluding remarks.