Eating a large portion on an almost empty stomach can cause stomach pains or feelings of being stuffed. The implication is clear: if this scenario is all too familiar to people, then it is time to rethink the timing of people meals. As a general rule, remember that carbohydrates serve as a source of quick energy and proteins give the body its building blocks. One should get enough carbohydrates before and during dancing, and make sure to give the body enough protein afterwards. Energy is the alpha and omega in dance. Training on an empty stomach not only depletes people strength, it also puts people at risk of fatigue. The food's consistency also influences time it remains in the stomach. Fluid and blended foods, such as drinks, soups, or yoghurts are transported more quickly than solid foods. Physical exertion and high core temperatures suppress hunger. While dancing, therefore, absent hunger sensation is an unreliable indicator of people body's energy requirements.