This chapter describes three different groups of toners. The first group contains toners which replace the metallic silver in the print with inorganic salts, changing black areas to other colors. The second group, called color coupler toners, plate the silver with a color dye. The third group, dye toners, give a uniform color to both image and paper. Toning adds color to a silver-based image, such as a gelatin silver black-and-white photograph, enlargement emulsion print, Van Dyke brown print, salted paper print, graphic arts/lith film transparency, by immersion in, the selective application of, chemical agents. This process can be performed in ordinary room light as an added step after the print has been completely processed and thoroughly washed. The type of enlarging paper emulsion, or the substrate itself, in combination with the processing time, temperature, dilution, and age of the chemicals used for processing the print, will cause variations in color and affect the finished appearance of each toned image.