This chapter discusses the trade remedies that world trade organization (WTO) members may adopt to protect their domestic industries from foreign competition. Such remedies are safeguards, antidumping duties (AD) and countervailing duties (CVD). Along with AD and CVD measures, safeguards are one of the three types of contingent trade protection measures available to WTO members. Like the other two trade remedies, WTO members may challenge safeguards that other members have applied if, under the claimant's view, they are against WTO rules. Safeguards shall not only be temporary but also, since they are only allowed as temporary safety valves, must be progressively liberalized. AD, on the other hand, can only be imposed on imports coming from countries or, more precisely, companies which are selling at a price below the normal value of the goods. CVD, in turn, can only be imposed to imports coming from the WTO member which is granting a prohibited or an actionable subsidy.