It is very difficult for a casual observer of Yoruba religion to understand Eshu and his place in Yoruba beliefs. Eshu is not the personification of evil like Satan or Shaitan. Nor does Eshu stand in direct opposition to Olodumare (Almighty God). In Yoruba religion, there are not diametrically opposed embodiments of pure good and pure evil. Rather, Eshu is positioned as one of the functionaries of Olodumare in His theocratic world. In Yoruba tradition, it is believed that Eshu maintains relationships with both the spirit and physical realms. Eshu is the bearer of sacrifices made by human beings to Olodumare and the orisha. Because he acts as a messenger or go-between for divinity and humankind, he demands a portion of the sacrifices for himself. If this is not done, Eshu will make sure that the sacrifices are of no effect and will instead cause more confusion and trouble for all. Therefore, whenever other orisa receive sacrifices, Eshu’s portion is first set aside and offered to him. Apart from conveying messages, part of the function of Eshu is to report human deeds to Olodumare.