This chapter describes twenty-first century a Marxian view that is more plausible than a view oriented toward the world of the 1840s. The Linkage Thesis would link each person's opportunity to all persons' opportunity. The chapter provides two of Marx's claims: his 1844 claim that in a capitalist society workers are alienated from their labour; his claim in The Communist Manifesto that in a communist society 'the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all'. Moreover, to start with alienation from the product of labour, whether part, finished product, or even totality of products seems to rest on the concept of ex ante ownership, and this remains an odd basis for a Marxian view. The chapter shows that one could start with Lockean proviso premises and derive most of the aspects of alienated labour but that an account resting on such premises is suspect as a useful Marxian account.