A Newsgroup is a collection of by individuals to a news server. A News server is a computer (or program) dedicated to transferring ring the contents of newsgroups around the Net, and to and from your computer. This may be referred to as an NNTP server. These computers are maintained by companies, organisations and individuals, and

can host thousands of newsgroups.Mailing List This term has two meanings: (a) a list of e-mail the same message without making endless copies of it, all with different addresses inserted; and (b) a discussion group sim ilar to

newsgroups, but all the messages sent to the group are forwarded to its members by e-mail. The sheer range of opportunities the Internet offers is beyond belief. In the previous unit we discussed e-mail. Besides exchanging e-mail messages with colleagues or other health professionals you can also join Newsgroups-more formally known as Usenet discussion groups. You can find newsgroups on any subject. There are an estimated twenty-eight thousand or more newsgroups and hundreds of them are groups concerned with health issues. By joining one or more of these discussion groups you will be able to share your views with other healthcare students or health professionals. Each newsgroup provides a forum for discussion of issues related to a specialist subject. As a participant you will be able to engage around the clock in group discussions, trade information and ideas with other healthcare colleagues on the far side of the world. This is a great and fun way to test your thoughts on particular health issues. Another useful and interesting way for people of shared interests to send e-mail messages to each other, is via Mailing Lists. Mailing lists differ from newsgroups in that a separate copy of the mailing list message is e-mailed to each recipient on the list. By and large mailing lists are more intimate than newsgroups, more specific, usually less riotous and you can participate regardless of what kind of service provider you have, just as long as you can send and receive e-mail.