FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is a method of transferring files from one computer to another over the Net.Archie is an older system that was and can stil I be used to find files that are located on the FTP sites.Gopher is an older system that using menus.Telnt is a system that lets you connect from your computer to another across the Internet and use it as if you were directly connected to that computer. A slightly different version of telnet, developed

by IBM, is known as tn3270. Although e-mail and the web will probably meet most of your needs, there are additional tools that you will hear mentioned which can help you use your browser more effectively. They were around long before the World Wide Web started dominating the Internet. Four of these are FTP, Archie, Gopher and Telnet. The functions of many of these tools are now performed by web browsers like NetScape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. However, there may be occasions when it is necessary for you to use these tools directly to gain access to all those millions of computers around the world. For example, you may become aware of statistics that support a project you are completing, a computer program that can help you perform your health data analysis, or documents that offer a bibliography for a course assignment. With the right privilege you can grab these files and transfer them to your computer free of charge. Or you may need to quickly search a computerised library catalogue to find available material to complete a project, but do not wish to trot from library to library. In this unit, the four tools mentioned above will be discussed. It includes explanation on how to use them to find what you want, and where appropriate how to download your find to your hard disk.