Labial adhesions are a common cause of continuous urinary incontinence and frequency. Urinary incontinence (UI) is a common problem presenting at primary care services, often associated with frequent urination, urge symptoms and nocturnal enuresis (NE). The main causes of UI are an overactive bladder leading to urinary urge and holding urine until the last minute by suppressing the need to void, until incontinence happens. When a girl presents with a history of never gaining urinary control and underwear is always wet, she probably has ectopic bladder. Painful or burning urination during or immediately after urination, termed dysuria, is often accompanied by other urinary symptoms such as frequency, urgency or hesitancy. Painful micturition is a serious problem for it may cause urine retention with subsequent dilation of the urinary tract system. A large proportion of children with NE have nocturia. Significant reduction of NE is achieved with surgical repair of the obstruction.