Companies have many non-value-added tasks, processes, events, wastage that are non-value-adding. Non-value-added tasks are actually value-destructive tasks. A whole discipline has been brought into play where value destroyed has become important. Value co-destruction occurs mostly when there is a misuse of resources, either incorrectly, inaptly or unpredictably. This happens when the available resources are used, say in an interaction. Companies can misuse their processes to create more value for themselves, thereby destroying value for others such as employees and customers. Destruction of shareholder Value through legal means is pervasive, perhaps even a routine way of doing business. Indeed, the amount of value destroyed by companies striving to hit earnings targets exceeds the value lost in recent high-profile fraud cases. However, very few researchers have looked into the possible downside of value co-destruction. The risk of losing customers this way is highly likely, as 40% of customers who had a bad experience will discontinue doing business with the offending firm.