Introduction Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common solid tumors worldwide and one of the most deadly diseases. Although there are many patients affected by HCC scattered throughout the world (Figure 7.1), in some regions such as sub-Saharan Africa and Eastern Asia, a very high incidence of HCC is seen. In China alone, HCC accounts for more than 50% of the world’s cases (age-standardized incidence rate: men, 35.2/100 000; women, 13.3/100 000). Other high-rate (> 20/100 000) areas include Senegal (men, 28.47/100 000; women, 12.2/100 000), Gambia (men, 39.67/100 000; women, 14.6/100 000), and South Korea (men, 48.8/100 000; women, 11.6/100 000). In contrast, North and South America, Northern Europe, and Oceania are low-rate (< 5.0/100 000) areas for liver cancer.