Protecting children globally is complex, with legislation, policy and procedures specific to each country. However, even when the ‘voices’ of infants and young children are heard, they are not always listened to, or acted upon, by protection services. This chapter critiques the global challenges of protecting infants and young children from abuse, with specific focus on English child protection systems. The discussion draws on Articles 19 and 39 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which are concerned with the protection of children and ensuring that intervention services are available to those who have faced adversity. The chapter will also focus on children’s right to protection and what they need to be protected from, as well as exploring the prevalence of abuse and why intervening in the early childhood period is crucial for improving long-term outcomes. There is consideration of how child protection procedures facilitate (or do not) the rights of the youngest citizens to be protected by their parents or caregivers, as well as the other adults and environments they interact with.