Weapons training can take many forms, and there’s potential research to be done in choosing styles. Sometimes props themselves can be modified for safety, speed, or effect, through being built with different materials like rubber, bamboo, or aluminum instead of steel, through CG, with specialty items like breakaways, or through alternative ways of simulating things like gunfire. Advantages and disadvantages of props types are discussed. Always choose the safest option for the shot, and if at all possible avoid the use of sharp blades or other unmodified weapons. With bladed or impact weapons, avoids, blocks, and deflections are used heavily, so various systems and cheats are mentioned. Standard sword targets and knife cutting patterns are listed. Non-contact strikes are explained as adjusted parallels to the unarmed techniques previously discussed, and contact hits are also described.

Basic gun safety protocol is listed, including action types, danger areas, levels of loaded/unloaded, and dealing with jams. Reactions to gunshots are also described along with the adjustments required for safety.

Examples are given showing how different props are swapped out and used to tell stories of both primitive and modern combat.