There are many varieties of argumentative writing, and no single, simple formula for organization or style. There is a wide variety of topics and rhetoric strategies to challenge students ingenuity for argumentative writing and some general, step-by-step procedures that most proficient writers employ. Some teachers and students of writing approach outlining as simply a formulaic, constricting grid arbitrarily imposed on a paper. The prewriting stage begins with reading and research. Narrowing Down is a crucial part of every writing assignment. For the kinds of papers that students will write in college courses, most of which are based on a designated topic, readings, or research assignment, something like the following is the process, in three broad stages: prewriting, writing, and postwriting. The effective "flow" of a paper depends on continuity, the skill of leading readers smoothly from one sentence, paragraph, or section to the next, without leaving them puzzling over how students got from here to there.