Interest in brewing yeast centers around its different strains, and there are thousands of unique strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These strains encompass brewing, baking, wine, distilling, and laboratory cultures. The yeast cell wall is a multifunctional organelle of protection, shape, cell interaction, reception, attachment, and specialized enzymic activity. The plasma membrane acts as a barrier to separate the aqueous interior of the cell from its aqueous exterior. Electron micrographs of yeast cells reveal round or elongated mitochondrial structures composed of two distinct membranes, the outer and the inner, within the cytoplasm. Vacuoles are a part of an intra-membranous system that includes the endoplasmic reticulum and are easily seen under the light microscope. The Golgi complex is an organelle built of several flattened, membrane-enclosed sacs and is part of the cellular endomembrane system. The cytoskeleton gives the cell its mobility and support.